The Next Baby Boom: Affordable Urban Lifestyles for Millennials with Children
The real reason so many millennials are living at home
Despite Higher Education, Millennials Still Aren't Buying Homes
Historically, at a particular point most young people moved out of their parents home, bought a house, and began a family. Now, the share of young people buying homes is dropping and the number continuing to live with their parents is increasing. While there are many reasons, including the decline of livable middle-class jobs and wages and increasing student loan debt, a lack of housing supply, particular in urban environments, plays a role.
“The high cost of housing may play an additional role. With homeownership rates of those under 35 at a 20-year low, many more may be looking to rent. But as rents rise faster than wages, the rental housing market may also be keeping millennials from moving out of their parent’s homes.”